(Romans 5:20).
I bless you to understand that God’s Grace covers your past…because it is MORE. God’s Grace covers the present…because it is MORE. God’s Grace covers your future…because it is MORE.
Believe that God’s Grace is MORE than any sinful action anyone has ever committed against you and more than any sinful deed you yourself have ever committed against yourself or anyone else.
(Romans 6:14).
I bless you to know that, during your present life, right now, God’s Grace abounds MORE. Do you wrestle with a sinful habit or defense pattern of distraction or destruction? God’s Grace abounds MORE. Do you often become angry, fearful, or jealous? God’s Grace abounds MORE. Do you struggle with depression, bitterness, anxiety, or guilt? God’s Grace abounds MORE. Do you have a problem with being prideful, boastful, and self-seeking? God’s Grace abounds MORE. Do you control, criticize, or complain? God’s Grace abounds MORE. Are you confused? God’s Grace abounds MORE.
Understand that sin does not stand alone. It does not happen by itself. It sits on a pillar of oppressing beliefs suggested by the father-of-lies: beliefs of abandonment, condemnation, rejection, and shame. And these beliefs cause anguish…misery…distress. Not only does the father-of-lies suggest these beliefs to you, but he also offers the solutions to still the pain these beliefs cause—SIN.
Blessed Child, you need to know that you do not have to run to sinful defense habits of escape to dampen the abandonment in your heart, because there is enough Grace to cover the pain and beliefs of abandonment. You do not have to resort to bitterness to spite your enemy, because My Grace is available to you, even now. You do not have to blame others for the shame in your heart, because My Grace is yours, if you want it. But, in order to experience My Grace, you need to stop fighting the beliefs of abandonment, shame, rejection, and condemnation in your own strength and in your own way. Instead, you need to surrender these negative, destructive beliefs to Me, Jesus Christ, and ask Me to cover you with My Grace. You will find that My Grace is always sufficient. It is always available. It is always MORE.
What sin is there in your past, present, or possibly in your future for which you need the Grace of God to abound?
PRAYER: Lord God, I thank you for Your Grace that abounds MORE than my sinful actions and reactions. Thank you that Your Grace abounds MORE than my jealousy, my animosity, and my anxiety. Thank you that Your Grace abounds MORE than any accusatory belief in my heart that makes me feel ashamed. Thank you that Your Grace abounds MORE than my sinful actions of the past, present, and future. I place all of these under Your Grace…to abound for me.
Maintain an Awareness
It is very important that you understand that it is not so much what happened to you during your childhood that affected you the most, BUT WHAT YOU CAME TO BELIEVE ABOUT YOUR SELF, OTHERS, AND GOD, IN RESPONSE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES (facts) of your childhood life.