Ask for the Living Water

In this world, most of us need some sort of antidepressant to numb the pain we experience here.  It hides the pain from us and us from the pain.  We are afraid of pain.  We do not want to feel it; therefore, we avoid it.  The problem is that we might not pursue the pain, BUT THE PAIN WILL PURSUE US.

As a little girl, my earthly father had his own solution to pain.  Whenever I would share my pain with him and start crying, he would hush me with the words, “Don’t cry, then you will feel better.”  But it did not help.  The pain was still in my heart.  My daddy was afraid of pain and taught me to be afraid of it too.

(John 4:10).

Precious Child, I, the Gift of God, am here with you. I am not afraid of pain. You do not have to be afraid of it, either. Rather, you need to understand pain—that it comes from the negative, destructive beliefs of the father-of-lies when he tells you that it is too late, now…that there is no hope, now…that all is lost, now. Beloved, I did not come to offer you a band aid for your pain, but to save you from the negative, destructive beliefs of the father-of-lies that are causing the pain in your heart.  I did not come to tell you to stop crying. Instead, I came to give you a drink of My Living Water of Truth that will flow deep into your wounds.  This will make your pain go away…and dry your tears. 

Life is full of pain.  There is the pain of feeling alone… companionless…forsaken.  Then there is the pain of rejection…non-acceptance…condemnation.  Still yet, there is the pain of shame—a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety.  There is also the pain of loss and of disappointment.  Which pain do YOU have, today?

Regardless of which pain you have, the determining question is, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT? Will you find the negative, destructive beliefs from the father-of-lies that are causing your pain, today, and lay them before the Lord Jesus? Will you receive the cup of Living Water He is offering you? Will you let Him dry your tears?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, today I choose to EMBRACE my pain. I choose to find the negative, destructive beliefs from the father-of-lies that are causing my heart-ache; then, I choose to EXPOSE these oppressing beliefs to You. Today, I have decided to receive the cup of Living Water You are offering me—to allow You to EXCHANGE my pain for Your Truth.

Maintain an Awareness

We have all eaten from the fruit of deception—believing and accepting negative, destructive beliefs about ourselves, God, and others that are not true.

The Two Counsels

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