(Matthew 11:28).ABIDE IN ME, AND I IN YOU
(John 15:4).
Pay attention that the Lord Jesus did not say, “Come to Me to abide WITH Me,” but rather, “Come to Me to abide IN Me…and I in you.” To abide means to remain or to stay.
Understand that there is a difference. To stay WITH Jesus means that you try very hard to keep up with Him…to be like Him…to follow a set of rules. It is about fixing your mind, heart, and circumstances. It is about mending the past, changing the present, and controlling the future. It is all about what you ought to DO to be acceptable, loved, and worthy.
However, to abide IN Jesus means to let go…and let God. It is all about inviting God’s Participation into the minute details of your life, instead of controlling, complaining, and criticizing. It is about allowing God’s Presence into the black stone of bitterness in your heart, instead of covering it up with vows and resentment. It is about exposing the negative, out-of-control thoughts in your mind to God’s infinite Understanding, instead of letting them attack you and those around you. It is about letting the Law of the Spirit set you free from the Law of Sin and Death, instead of trying to cope with sinful habits and patterns, on your own. It is about inviting God’s Will to take control of your life. It is about asking Christ to crucify the OLD MAN in you, so you may be free to follow the desires of the Holy Spirit in you.
To abide IN Jesus is all about what you cannot do. It is all about what Christ came to do for you…IN you.
(Psalm 89:15).
I bless you to come to the Lord Jesus and abide IN Him. Stop striving, fixing, and doing. Stop hiding, running, and blaming. Instead, let Him be in you what HE has always planned to be. Let Him do in you and through you, using His own Presence. Let go…and let God.
What would you like to change today, in order to start abiding IN the Lord Jesus, moment-by-moment, from now on?
PRAYER: Majesty, I come to abide IN You. I come to acclaim You and to walk in the Light of Your Presence. Come and take control of my life. Be in me what You want to be. Do in me and through me what You want to do. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done…in my life, as it is in Heaven.
Maintain an Awareness
We run…and run…and run, but we never run to God.